Elixir Games Rewards Distribution Update

News Jul 10, 2024

Dear Elixir Games Community,

First and foremost, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your continued support and participation. Your engagement in the recent DAO vote on Proposal #2: Modification of Season Pass Rewards & Airdrop Distribution was instrumental in shaping the future of our ecosystem.

Respecting the DAO’s Decision

We fully respect and agree with the DAO's decision to adhere to the original terms of the Season Pass rewards distribution.

Rewards Distribution Terms

To reiterate, the original and final terms of the rewards distribution are as follows:

  • An initial distribution of $1,000 worth of $ELIX.
  • A 9-month vesting period for the remaining rewards the user has accumulated.

Distribution Details

Starting today, with the first snapshot of eligible wallets being taken on the 10th of July at 23:59 CET, all users who have their Solana wallet linked to their Elixir Games launcher will have their rewards available within 12 hours after the snapshot on the 11th of July. You can access your rewards by logging in with your linked Solana wallet at Streamflow Finance.

If you have not yet linked your wallet, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Profile in the Elixir Games launcher.
  2. Select "Import External Wallets."
  3. Choose "Manage Wallets."
  4. Click "Connect Now"
  5. Choose the Solana network and connect your wallet using Phantom.

Every Wednesday at 23:59 CET, we will update our database of eligible wallets and add your reward balance for you to claim on Streamflow Finance. You will have until the 7th of August, 23:59 CET, to link your Solana Wallet, where a final snapshot of eligible wallets will take place.


We deeply appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you in our new Season Pass, featuring RoboKiden, with $500k in prizes. For more information about the upcoming season, please visit this link.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Elixir Games community. Together, we are driving innovation and success within our ecosystem.

Best regards,

The Elixir Games Team


If you do not link your Solana wallet by the 7th of August, you will not be able to receive your rewards. Make sure to link your wallet before the deadline to ensure you get your $ELIX.

How often is the wallet database updated?

We update the database of eligible wallets every Wednesday. If you link your wallet after a Wednesday, your rewards will be added to the database the following Wednesday.

When will my rewards be available on Streamflow Finance?

Wallet snapshots are taken every Wednesday. Your rewards will be available the day after, on Thursday. It may take up to 12 hours for them to appear in the dApp.

Can I change the wallet linked to my Elixir Games account?

Yes, you can manage and change the wallet linked to your Elixir Games account at any time. However, if your wallet has already been included in a snapshot, you won't be able to change the rewards for that specific snapshot.

Where can I see my rewards once they are distributed?

Your rewards will be available on Streamflow Finance. Simply log in with your linked Solana Wallet to view and claim your rewards and the vesting schedule.

What is the vesting period for the rewards?

The rewards are distributed with up to an initial $1,000 worth of $ELIX immediately, and any remaining amount will vest over a 9-month period.


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