Meet Carlos Roldan, CEO and Founder of Elixir Games

Aug 19, 2024

Behind Elixir, there is a team of passionate people who do their best every day to come up with the best ideas, innovations, and campaigns to give YOU a next-level gaming experience. But before the platform became what it is today, an idea one day popped into the mind of a man, Carlos Roldan, who believed in his project and created Elixir Games. Discover who he is and how he came up with this idea:

Why Elixir? How did you know it was THE name?

"The Elixir in video games is always present as a potion that regenerates, gives life, and provides powers and that is what we do and what we have been doing for more than four years now. Elixir comes to give life and tools to traditional gamers and developers, opening a whole new branch in which to entertain or develop."

Why a platform? What sparked the idea initially?

"In the Web3 ecosystem we come from a complicated heritage and we ourselves when we started as a game development studio realized that gamers didn't have a safe, accessible and well-equipped place to enjoy their favorite games and the best idea was to create it ourselves. This is what makes elixir an attractive product for all audiences, being created by gamers and video game creators we understand the needs of our target audience because we have lived them."

What are your favorite games?

"Asking a true gamer to tell you their favorite game or games is like asking who you love more, your father or your mother. What I can say is that we have had, and continue to have, a strong influence that comes directly from the indie sector of video games, from projects created with soul, with enthusiasm, and with the desire to show the world a product that was born from the desire to be shared."

What’s next for Elixir?

"Our expectation is to continue on the path we have been on since the beginning with a focus on safety, accessibility and fun for our users and for all those who are slowly discovering that truly owning what they buy and get is possible. Elixir has always had a vision which inevitably intersects with our mission as a company: to reach a public who do not yet know how necessary we are but are slowly discovering it."

Elixir Games is a platform that gives you access to many games to discover and enjoy. Everything happens right here, so, if you haven’t yet, it’s time to join us!

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