📅 Community Event - December 16th

Events Dec 14, 2021


🏆 200.000 sats and 4 premium NFTs

Rewards are usually sent on Mondays (working day). If you didn't receive your prize after 3 days contact the Elixir support team to get assistance.

📅 Thursday - December 16th 2021 - 10:00 PM CET to 11:59 PM CET

All regions can join!

One Strike and a content creator will host the rooms!

8 games in total. 16 winners!

🎁 There are chat giveaways as well where you can win some sats!


Just follow the livestream to know when to join the games. The rooms get full in just a few seconds so make sure you try to enter fast!

We will play mostly Battle Royale Solo Mode games so more players can join the lobby!

If a player already won a prize, he must not join another game to let other players play and try to win. A player can't get 2 prizes at the same event.

10 PM to 11 PM CET > 📺 https://twitch.tv/satoshisgames

11 PM to 11:59 PM CET > 📺

Ask anything in the chat and have fun in the event with the community.

See you at the event and keep stacking sats!


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